REVIEW: Brilliant Reflective Strips

Disclaimer: I received a multi-color assortment pack of Brilliant Reflective Strips to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review, find, and write race reviews!


The most important part of every run is to ensure you finish safe. Slower times, injuries, bad efforts happen. You can move on from them. Not being seen and having something unfortunate happen, you can not. It’s critical for runners, walkers, cyclists, dog walkers, or anyone out on the roads, make sure they are being seen by others out on the road, especially cars.

I’m always looking for products that will help me be seen when running. When I was offered an opportunity to test out Brilliant Reflective Strips, I knew it was something I wanted to try. I hadn’t used them before but have heard lots of runners rave about the reflective strips.

I was provided two packs of the iron on reflective strips and two packs of the stick on strips.  Each pack of Brilliant Reflective Strips includes a few different sizes or pre-cut strips. The strips are made from 3M Scotchlite Reflective Material.

The iron on reflective strips were really easy to put on my gear. Honestly, I haven’t used an iron in years. And by years, I mean pre-kids, probably pre-marriage. :o)

I was a little nervous about ironing them on, since it was so long since I’ve done it, but after applying the first strip and seeing how simple it was, I was happy. Read what setting is best for the gear you’re applying it to, but in many cases for me it was a low setting. The process only takes a couple of minutes.

The stick on strips are simple. You simply cut them to size, peel off the back and stick them right on to your gear. I’ve used the stick on reflective strips on my running shoes, winter hats, gloves, and bike helmet. They are great for backpacks, bicycles, scooters, wagons, etc. If you have a dog, these are perfect for a dog leash.

Here’s my favorite thing about Brilliant Reflective Strips. They literally have allowed me to run in some of my favorite gear that was either dark colors or had zero reflective qualities on them. My two favorite running pants, that I wear a lot in the winter, are black. Nothing reflective on the back of them. Talk about not being a smart option when running in the dark.

They have also allowed me to save a lot of money. Instead of having to go out and buy new reflective gear, I have turned my favorite running clothes into reflective gear. Plus, a lot of the “reflective” gear out there just isn’t bright enough to me. I added some Brilliant Reflective Strips to clothing that already had a reflective logo or item on it. I want to be seen as early and easily as possible.

I plead for all of you runners, walkers, cyclists, etc. out there, whenever you are out there, make sure you are being seen. I highly recommend the Brilliant Reflective Strips. They shine bright and allow you to light yourself up. Add these to your safety gear. Even if you use lights, blinkers, etc, it never hurts to add more. Stand out. Be seen. Be smart. Be Brilliant!

Use code “BRP25” for 25% OFF Multi/Assortment Packs at .

Is safety on your mind when you run? I would love to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment or any questions you may have.

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Check out what other BibRave Pros are saying about Brilliant Reflective Strips:

Andrea          Corey          Ben          Alastair          Lindsey          Lissa

Check out Brilliant Reflective on:
Twitter: @Brilliant_Safe
Instagram: @brilliant_reflective
Facebook: @BrilliantReflective

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