That’s it. Ten more wake ups until The New Jersey Half Marathon! To say I’m excited, and probably a little nervous, is an understatement. During my runs on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, I told myself during and after both runs, I’m ready. I’m ready for Long Branch. I’m ready for the shore. I’m ready to run this race. To run my race. I know I’ve put in the training, now it’s time to put the finishing touches on it, finalize my plan, run, and enjoy.
My runs this week have been good. I’ve done a little bit of everything while pulling back on the mileage as I taper over these last two weeks.
On Saturday, I ran 9.34 miles. I dialed the pace back a little but felt good through out. It was an early morning run and I used it to concentrate on form. I didn’t let my breathing get out of control at all.
Monday was a nice recovery run of 5.12 miles. The first two miles were a bit sluggish, but the final 3+ miles felt fantastic. I hit a strong stride and honestly, I just wanted to keep going. I had to keep reminding myself it was a recovery run and to not overdo it. I averaged out at a 9:19 pace and made sure my breathing never got to a point where I couldn’t hold a conversation.
Tuesday, I decided to run a course that had more flat areas than my normal routes. I figured that would help my legs during these last two weeks. I ended up running a 6.34 mile course in 54:04 for an 8:31 pace. I felt strong on this run and it definitely helped me mentally as I was able to hit that 8:31 pace without feeling like i left it all out there. I felt good wind wise, strong physically and mentally.
Wednesday I decided to work on a shorter run but push it from the start. Normally, my first mile or two I ease into it and run slower miles. I went for it from the start here though, figuring I was only running 4 miles. I averaged an 8:16 pace, finishing the 4 miles in 33:04. This run felt awesome. There were times in the beginning I questioned whether or not I’d be able to maintain it but I did and actually felt stronger as the run went on.
I just felt like something has clicked this week. Hopefully, I’m right.
Now, I need to continue to focus on hydrating and getting the right amount of sleep and adjusting my clock so I’m ready for the earlier wake up on race day.
Any suggestions for the last 10 days before a half marathon? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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