March Training Recap

March seemed like it had a little bit of everything but overall I think I had a really good training month with running. I also started lifting 4 days a week consistently, which I think has been very beneficial for my training.

My numbers for March were:

Total Miles Run – 110.765
Total Runs – 20
Longest Run – 12.47 miles
Races – 2

I ran two races as preparation for the NJ Half Marathon. I ran in the Morristown St. Patrick’s Day 5K on March 11th (race recap click here) and the Garden State 10-Miler in Somerset on March 26th (race recap click here).  My results for the races were:

Garden State 10 Miler, Somerset, NJ (3/26/17)  –  1:27:17.67 (Pace 8:43)   PR – 10 Miler
Aerie Pharmaceuticals St. Paddy’s Day 5K, Morristown, NJ (3/11/17)  –  25:55.98   (Pace 8:20)
My longest run of the month was in the beginning. A nice 12.47 run. A run that my GPS on my FitBit Surge went a little off, but I noticed it while I was running through the park. I wasn’t sure how off it was but when I saw what it had my pace at, I knew it was off by a good amount. It’s an area I’ve had issues with when running. I ended up running until the watch said 12 miles on it so I knew for sure I made that goal. Everything else was gravy and I was thrilled when I marked it out that it was 12.47 miles.

The weather was all over the place. From days snow storms to high winds to one day in the 20s and the next in the 60s. A little all over the place.

I ended up having two non-planned rest days in March, the first two of the NJ Half Marathon training schedule for me. One was due to the snow storm Stella that ripped through NJ, not as bad though as originally planned. The kids were off school and my wife had to head into work the night before, so there was no conceivable way I could get a run in. I don’t own a treadmill, so there wasn’t much I could do, so I enjoyed the rest day and time with my kids. The other unexpected rest day was due to not feeling well. I started not feeling well on the 19th later in the day and whatever I had hit me pretty hard for almost a week. Running actually made me feel better most days, as it was mostly a head cold/sinus & chest congestion. On the 22nd though, I felt like a truck hit me. I figured it was best to rest as much as possible to try and kick whatever it was that I had. Even though I wasn’t 100%, I still decided to run the Garden State 10 Miler that Sunday.

I think March reallly was a good month for training. With a month to go until the NJ Half Marathon, I’m feeling very confident in where my training has brought me. Part of me wishes the race was here already but I’m going to take advantage of this last month to hopefully not time off of my pace so I can hit this half marathon with all I got.

How was your training in March?
Did the weather affect you at all?
Were you able to get through March without getting sick?

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