February Training

Miles Run:  110.16
Runs:  18
Longest Run:  11.5 Miles
Rest Days:  4
Races:  1
Pre-Game 4 Miler Morristown (35:11.02 – 8;47 pace)

I’m very pleased with February’s training. February 5th marked 12 weeks until the NJ Half Marathon that I’m training for.  I couldn’t ask for a better month of weather. Yeah we had some snow and ice, but for February in New Jersey, this was probably the best it could have been. Considering I ran outside in shorts and tshirt multiple times and not 20 layers is saying something.

Heading into February, the longest I’d ever run was 9 miles, which was the last week in January haha. I was able to get a 10 mile, 11 mile, and 11.5 mile run in during the month.

I definitely feel my base getting better. In January, 8 and 9 miles seemed daunting. Now, they feel good. It’s working now on miles 10-12. But that’s what training is for, right?

I was starting to question my pace a bit though. It just didn’t seem like it was budging. However, in the final week of the month, it seemed to. I was happy to see that and reminded myself to be positive. Things take time. Put in the work and it will happen.

I think I did a nice job of mixing my runs up. Most were done outside, some on the track, and some on the treadmill. I like to switch it up for recovery, speed, and flat versus hilly conditions.

There aren’t a lot of races to select from in New Jersey in February but I found one on Super Bowl Sunday that I decided to race in. It was the Pre-Game 4 Miler in Morristown. I had a really nice time at this race and was pleased with my results. It was my first time running a 4 mile race distance.

I was also getting a little sick of some of the areas I was running, so I tried out a few new routes during the month. Found one that I really like right now. Has hills, straightaways, and allows me to run through the park for almost 2 miles. I think I’m going to try and run the loop twice this weekend and cut some of it off for the second loop to get me to 12 miles. The loop is approximately 6.8 miles.

I purchased the Travel Stick when I picked up my packet for the 4 Miler. I’ve been using it and I’m going to write up a review on that soon.

I signed up for a St. Patrick’s Day 5K in Morristown, which will be on March 11th.

Last week, I tried out the Normatec Compression boots at a PT place in my town that sponsors a lot of the local races. I liked them and bought 5 sessions to start. It’s cool. They have a recovery lounge with a fire place and you sit on a massaging chair as you wear them. I’m using them for 30 minutes. Legs felt good afterwards. My plan is to use them on Saturdays after long runs.

I also got back into lifting again this month. I felt like I needed to work on my upper body especially since my legs have been getting all the work. I’m lifting four times a week and it’s going well.

It was a quick month but a good month. Happy with my training. I feel like I’m getting there. Less than two months now until the half marathon. Need to keep working.



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