It’s a new week and here are some new thoughts.
First, I love running earlier in the day. I honestly need to start running in the morning before work on a consistent basis. Currently, I’ve been going for my weekday runs and work outs during my lunch. It’s nice to have it out of the way, run when it’s light out, but sometimes things pop up. Getting it done right away when you wake up, leaves no excuses or chances that something could get in the way. The only negative about running early, is that it’s out of the way, and sometimes you have a rough day and just want to go for a nice run to clear your mind. Something like that happened to me today. Had a rough ending to my work day and I feel like a good run would be the cure. The only problem is, I’ve already ran the 4 miles I was scheduled to. On the positive side, hey, I got my run in :o)
Second, I’ve been looking at so many tweets with #earthaton and started looking into it. I think I’d like to join but I have no clue which team I should join. I feel like I’m the new kid at school, no one knows me, and I have to pick a lunch table to sit at. Will these other runners want me at their table? Will anyone talk to me? What if I pick a group that I just don’t blend with? Do I have to do the whole, sorry it’s not you it’s me? All kidding aside, I know all of the groups would be awesome and I’m sure welcome me with open arms but still, it’s a decision I don’t want to make without knowing exactly what I’m deciding.
Thirdly, I’m going to try and get more reviews going. I have no idea if anyone cares about my opinion, but hey maybe I can help someone out there in internet land make a decision.
Lastly, I’m thinking about getting a few tshirts made up for I have no idea if I should order extras, if anyone would want one or not. I don’t want to get left with a box full of them in my garage lol. I know I’ll wear them and my wife and kids will because they are good sports about that. Just wondering if anyone else out there might be interested. I will share a photo with them when I make a decision about whether or not I should move forward with it.
As for my work out today, I ran 4.05 miles. It was a nice easy, slow recovery run. I felt good at the end. Definitely loosened up my legs. I felt good. It’s definitely different to run slower on purpose but it’s all part of the plan. I ran up at the track to help give my legs/joints a softer surface to enjoy.
OK well let me know your thoughts. Be Runspirational. Run to Inpsire. Inspired to Run.
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I’d wear two! 🙌